Io - Augmented Reality

Helson and Jackets 

Helson and Jackets are an award winning company based in SW Scotland.

We have been working to create and produce a commercially available volumetric display and to allow others to explore the ideas and opportunities that it offers.

Io is the result of a creative process, a collaboration between Chris Helson and Sarah Jackets. We didn’t start out to create a product, we were interested in the ideas; ideas around new ways to create architectural networks, for example where disempowered groups are able to use the architecture of networks to create a voice.

We carried out remote conversations between the Venice Architecture Biennale and a small bothy in Scotland.  We have explored how smart technology can plug into our system to add interactivity and haptic feedback.  We played with optical engineering until we discovered a new way to control the light and we have developed every element of the prototype to offer a viable and extraordinary product.

The commercialisation of these experiments into a product is about opening up it’s possibilities to others to explore and to fund its continuing development.

Io360 has at its core a philosophy of exploration, learning and passing on skills. We are passionate about creating skilled jobs in Scotland, combining creativity, design, technology and engineering.


Photo: Chris Helson receives Scottish Edge Award from Sir Tom Hunter

Chris Helson

Chris is an artist and engineer. Chris led the design of the Io prototype and directed the SMART:Scotland and Scottish EDGE technical and business development processes.

Chris is a partner with Helson and Jackets, they design and produce video installations, films and technology, often working remotely exploring expanded space, complex adaptive systems and emergence.

Chris trained and worked in Engineering for 7 years building Industrial Jet Engines and Turbocharges with GEC until 1988. He graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with a degree in 3d design in 1991. He has been self employed since 1994. He has considerable experience producing, managing and delivering projects for a range of clients.

Sarah Jackets

Sarah Jackets is cofounder of Helson and Jackets Technology. Sarah graduated from Sheffield Hallam University with a degree in Fine Art and a postgraduate diploma in Community Dance from The Laban Centre, London.

Sarah has been a partner with Helson and Jackets for 20 years working with communities to create film, performance and installation work for clients including The Met Office, New Media Scotland and groundUp.

Sarah is the creative director at Helson and Jackets technology with key skills in conceptual and strategic development, design, and project management.